Welcome to the new look racing aspirations

by huwcdavies on August 22, 2013

new-homepage-22-aug-13Taking into account some of you visit primarily for the calculators and others for the blog I’ve made the priority of each the same so as you enter the site you are given the choice of which way to go or you can use one of the direct links http://racing aspirations.com/apps or http://racing aspirations.com/blog. There is crossover between the calculators and the blog though, so once you’re browsing the blog you will see links to related calculators and if you’re using one of the calculators you will also see links to related blog articles giving you practical examples of the calculator’s application.

For those of you that have created an account I would like to thank you by way of giving you an account page that retains the racing aspirations.com look and feel as well as displaying your avatar within the titlebar area of the site. Well, you took the time to upload a picture that reflects your personality so why hide it, right?

There is now an app framework built into racing aspirations.com so that each calculator, although having a very different look and feel is built on a page layout whereby options like sharing and embedding are common to all the calculators. Sharing has been improved using the addthis API. Common across all the calculators are the Larger and Maximize options. The Larger option lives beneath the calculator and lets you stretch the calculator to the site width giving you a little more room to calculate whilst retaining the site layout. Maximize lives to the right of the calculator title within the menu bar and utilizes the full width and height of the browser window. This is an especially useful option when using a tablet which, by the way, the new site layout looks great on.

Ads are a fact of modern life and racing aspirations.com’s only income is advertising revenue so adverts do appear on all content pages and have been designed to remain on screen even once you have scrolled past the fold line. However, rather than just filling the content pages with adverts I have put thought into how to incorporate them into the flow of the page so they never look out of place. I hope they don’t bug you too much and if you see something of interest please, do follow the link.

You will also notice the Wheel Frequency Calculator has been re-worked to fit into the new app framework. It has a more compact display that can be expanded but gives yo the info you need without requiring it. Try it in Maximized though, on a tablet in portrait mode and think how easy it would be to use at the track or in the workshop.



Comments (5)

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Racing Aspirations August 29, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Did the calculator accept the values? If so, within the suspension geometry calculator page click on the plus sign under sharing and select email. Send it to me – hd*****@ra***************.com – and I’ll be able to see the settings you’ve entered. You can also give more details of at which point you get stuck. Thanks.

goodkarma08 August 29, 2013 at 2:49 pm

ride height is 22 in

upper a arm mount width is 12

lower a arm mount width is 7.5

distance between UCA and LCA is 10

track width of 100

roll center height of 14.25

upper control arm at 15.6 degrees by 37

lower control arm is 15.8 degrees by 42.875

Kingpin/spindle offset 9

Kingpin/hub offset is 5.625

Kingpin inclination is 16.8 degrees by 12 inches long

static camber is -1 degrees

scrub radius is 1.75

something of note

4 3/8 of an inch of travel has 0 camber change (constant at -1 degrees)

also has 32 inches of wheel travel while keeping it between -4.4 degrees and -1 degrees (19inches up travel with 13 inches down travel)

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Racing Aspirations August 26, 2013 at 11:59 am

…or post them in the forum if you don’t mind other people seeing the values?

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Racing Aspirations August 26, 2013 at 11:58 am

Can you email me all the values you tried to enter so I can replicate?

goodkarma08 August 23, 2013 at 3:20 am

ok I have a couple of questions with your A arm Suspension Calculator. My situation: im trying to model offroad type suspension systems with as much as 100″ trackwidth and lower A arm mounting points being sub 10″ width with ride heights exceeding 18″

when I model the suspension by dragging each item. I can get them close and all but I would find it much easier to type in the dimensions. Problem is; it throws errors about stuff being underground. please help